A catalpa flower (Catalpa sp, Bignoniaceae)
Asim Shah posted a photo:
Purple Flower
Robert Nyman
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Robert Nyman
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pollen-flowers posted a photo
chair covers - laundered/steamed/fitted by Pollen - 013-17.jpg
Flower With Have A Five Part Of Pink Color...
Large lotus pond with beautiful aquatic vegetation.
In album Lotus flowers
Yellow flowers
A bauhinia flower. Taiwan.
This photo shows same lotus field as previous picture 4 days later. Lotus blossom season is over. Leaves turn brown and die. New life arises fast. The small flowers are Swamp Cabbage or Chinese spinach, (in the Philippines Kangkong) - Ipomoea aquatica. A delicious vegetable frequently used in South East Asia. Now abundant in more and more flooded fields. Chinese spinach grows almost all year as long as it's wet - but now since a few days is blooming season.
In album Lotus flowers
flowers - 6defevereiro2008-06mmm1.jpg
Bombax flower s(Bombacaceae). Taiwan.
Lotus blossom with seed head. Seeds are edible and very delicious.
In album Lotus flowers
Flowers of long beans.
Asim Shah posted a photo:
Asim Shah posted a photo:
Asim Shah posted a photo:
Robert Nyman
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Robert Nyman
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Crazy looking flower
Asim Shah posted a photo:
Yellow, flower with bug around...
Winter Berries
Robert Nyman
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Where some shows have a small table devoted to each one, at Tatton they do things differently, grouping all the plants together to make displays of mixed plant types from all the different exhibitors. The effect is a great display which really relates to everyday gardens, and shows that anyone can be a national collection holder and still have an interesting and varied garden.
For me the best part of the marquee was the stall, manned by groups from across the north of England and featured a wonderful mixture of different perennials, vegetables and houseplants all grown by the members themselves. Each plant was lovingly grown and labelled, and sold with the helpful advice of the person that propagated it. The effect was like a giant garden fete and certainly offered something for everyone. I was in my element buying far too many plants. Oh well at least I'll be able to take some cuttings and bring some plants back for them to sell next year.
Info from:
Private Club
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