Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Climbing roses grown

Asim Shah posted a photo:


Circle Yellow, And Won't Be Boring To See It, This Flower Photo Almost Few Month Becomes My Favorite Wallpaper...

Flower with Jade Ring, On The Middle...

Asim Shah posted a photo:


Yellow  flowers

Yellow flowers

Multiple floating homes attached to a single tree. Floating family business and floating family boats all attached to a tree. Tonle Sap floating village - Cambodia.
In the floating village you find all a regular village has to offer. Restaurants, mechanical shops, all kind of floating businesses a community needs. Often grouped like here in this picture a few different floating homes attached to each other or fixed to a tree.
In album Kingdom of Cambodia Pictures

Asim Shah posted a photo:


White and ample flower

White and ample flower


Asim Shah posted a photo:

the basket

Flowers - Flowers-1.jpg

flowers - Flowers.jpg

This Flower, Unique, Because Have The Heart Shape, And Fortunately I Have A Moment To Capture It :)

Pyracantha berries in Ben Lomond, CA USA

Asim Shah posted a photo:


Yellow  flowers

Yellow flowers

Red Geranium




I decided to title this flower photo with "fruit flower", because this each little flower, making a form like some fruit, and nice colour too.


Robert Nyman
Like, flowers

Like, flowers

Picture 9_c.png

God is love - love is the door to God
Death is a loving relief from our life
Why do you invest in life insurance
If you can invest in love resulting in God insurance ?

Willing to love means willing to stay out of any kind of troubles
Willing to love also keeps you healthy and strong
Without troubles no need for insurance

With love as the key power in your life
God will be your insurance to assure you die safely and healthy
and thus return home at the right time and without any undue delay

Why would you want to extend your imprisonment on earth
if you have the opportunity to go into freedom in God ?
In album God Cards - Prayers and Love
Info from:

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